Main Street Matters Blog

Find out what's happening in communities across America, from grassroots advocacy efforts, to fintech innovations and everyday successes of Main Street banks.

Main Street Matters

Boarding Up the ILC Loophole

Dec 4, 2019
ICBA continues to lead the opposition to mixing banking and commerce through exploitation of the ILC loophole, recently expressing strong support for new legislation that would close it.

Faster Payments: An Overview of Options for Community Banks

Nov 25, 2019
While all faster payments options have one thing in common—moving money and information faster—there are often distinct differences or subtleties when comparing today’s various faster payments offerings.

Core Providers Weigh in on Community Bank Innovation ​

Nov 21, 2019
“Because we’ve always done it that way” are perhaps the seven most painful words in the English language when it comes to innovation. It’s the death of new ideas that challenge conventional ways of thinking and the antithesis of the ICBA ThinkTECH Accelerator program.

Detecting and Mitigating Synthetic Identity Fraud

Nov 19, 2019
It’s the fastest growing type of financial crime in the U.S., costing U.S. lenders $6 billion in 2016, and it’s not what you might think.

Minority Banks: Too Important to Lose

Nov 13, 2019
With minority depository institutions continuing to serve a crucial role, their decrease from a high of 215 in 2008 to less than 150 today is a significant concern.

ICBA ThinkTECH: A Vision Come to Fruition

Nov 7, 2019
Fostering innovation is critical to ensure community banks continue delivering high-tech, high-touch service. So, as ICBA looked ahead to how we could help community banks strategically align resources in support of innovation, we knew we would need to make an investment in the future.

Megabanks Continue Exiting Local Communities

Nov 1, 2019
The latest news from Wells Fargo reinforces what we've long known about Wall Street—when the going gets tough, the megabanks head for the exits.

Waking Up to the Credit Union Scare

Oct 31, 2019
Several ICBA staffers are handing out Halloween cards and candy to every congressional office on Capitol Hill to encourage lawmakers and staff to open their eyes to credit unions' risky practices, costly tax subsidies, and irresponsibly lax oversight.

Working Together to 'Wake Up' Congress

Oct 29, 2019
We're a week into ICBA's new "Wake Up" campaign taking on credit unions' risky practices and tax exemption, and the community bank response has been phenomenal.

Community Banks Can Directly Influence the Future of Faster Payments

Oct 23, 2019
Today, faster payments are changing the overall payments landscape. With the advent of Same Day ACH, The Clearing House’s Real-Time Payments, and the Federal Reserve’s FedNow Service, a round-the-clock real-time payment and settlement service to launch as early as 2023, faster is becoming the new norm for payments.