ICBA Education Resources

ICBA Education offers a variety of educational publications and digital tools to help your bank and its employees succeed in a variety of industry topics.

ADA General Accessibility Accommodations Policy

Describes the bank’s intention to ensure that its services are accessible and accommodating to individuals with disabilities. Includes a policy statement; roles and responsibilities of bank board, executives, committees, and employees; grievance processes; and contact for inquiries, questions, assistance, and general information.

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ADA Website Accessibility Accommodations Policy

Addresses the need of the bank’s website to provide equal treatment to all its customers and the public under Title II of the ADA, the Rehabilitations Act of 1973, and Department of Justice (DOJ) web accessibility directives in accordance with Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA and the United States Access Board’s Section 508 Standards.

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ICBA Education

Agricultural Lending Policy

Establishes the parameters and structure covering agricultural lending, including interest rates, pricing of loans, lending limits, and credit criteria.

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ICBA Education

Appraisals and Evaluations Bank Policy

Establishes guidelines to assist the bank in protecting its interest in real estate-related transactions. Includes appraiser and evaluator qualifications and selection, as well as the competency requirements.

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ICBA Education

Artificial Intelligence Governance Policy

This policy offers guidance for directors, officers, and staff in effectively managing cyber risks in the context of artificial intelligence (AI). It addresses critical aspects, such as strategic planning, approval authority, acceptable use, incident response, and vendor management.

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ICBA Education

Audit Working Papers

With the Audit Working Papers you can establish strong audit procedures to help support your bank's internal control environment and mitigate institution risk. Ensure a complete and comprehensive cross-departmental audit scope with this customizable resource that can be scaled to fit the size, complexity, and risk profile of your bank.

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AuditingICBA Education

Automated Clearing House

Crafted specifically for community financial institutions, the ACH Policy offers a comprehensive solution for establishing a robust framework governing Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions. Aligned with the National Automated Clearing House (NACHA) rules and guidelines, this customizable Word document covers ACH responsibilities, compliance measures, and risk management concerns for both originating and receiving financial institutions.

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Bank Compliance Check Up

The Bank Compliance Check Up Program provides a comprehensive system and checklists for monitoring and determining the bank’s compliance with deposit, lending, administrative regulations, and other banking laws. Also included are over 40 training agendas and quizzes!

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ICBA Education

Bank Director Bible - PDF

The Bank Directors’ Bible (4th Edition, 2023) provides industry best practices, insights into issues encountered by community bank directors in today’s environment and how to effectively serve on community bank boards of all sizes.

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ICBA Education

Bank Director Glossary - Third Edition 2022 Searchable PDF

Bank Director Glossary includes more than 200 pages of customary terms used by regulators, executive officers, industry consultants, and attorneys. Presented alphabetically with clear and to the point definitions, this valuable reference guide is a must have for any community bank director or officer.

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ICBA Education

Bank Director Video Series

The Bank Director Video Series features 7 different presentations that vary from 14-20 minutes in length. These can be used during board meetings, for annual training, new director training or topic refreshers.

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ICBA Education

Bank Owned Life Insurance (BOLI)

Identifies risks inherent in the acquisition, retention, and use of BOLI. Covers specific types and limitations on BOLI, including key persons, cost recovery, split-dollar life insurance, and life insurance on borrowers.

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ICBA Education

Bank Protection Act Policy

Provides the requirements of the regulatory agencies and covers all aspects of bank security, including designation of a security officer, security devices, maintenance, testing, training, and robbery procedures.

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ICBA Education

Bank Secrecy and Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Provides procedures as required by the regulatory agencies. Includes information on exempt persons, internal records, currency transaction reports, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Customer Identification Program and Customer Due Diligence, wire transfers, and anti-money laundering.

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ICBA Education

Board of Directors Policy

Designed to assist the board in recognizing and carrying out its duties and responsibilities for overall direction of the bank. Includes planning and budgeting, monitoring operations, overseeing business performance, training, committees, and code of conduct.

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ICBA Education

Boardroom Strategies For Financial Institutions

Boardroom Strategies for Financial Institutions focuses on the relationships among board members and how to be effective inside the boardroom. It is a must have for new and experienced board members. This book is a companion book to The Ultimate Guide for Bank Directors, Revised Edition.

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ICBA Education

Branch Closing Policy

Sets forth the procedures required by the regulatory agencies to close a branch office, including profit analysis and availability of services.

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ICBA Education

BSA/AML Video Training Series

The BSA/AML Video Training Series features 5 different presentations customized to provide job specific training for every member of your bank staff including Senior Management and Directors. This live action series contains fresh content, best practices, the latest hot topics in BSA/AML, and is everything your bank needs to comply with the annual training requirements.

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ICBA Education

Business and Travel Expense Policy

Defines the general types of expenses the bank will incur; establishes the budgeting and operational procedures needed to implement the policy; and provides policy guidelines for travel and entertainment.

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ICBA Education

Business Continuity Management Policy

Designed to provide a risk management plan to avoid potential losses. Includes policy implementation, bank security, emergency procedures, back-up sites, loss prevention, liquidity, insurance policies, asset protection, and risk management training.

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ICBA Education


Outlines the specific procedures when initiating electronic mail messages to any recipient with the primary purpose of communicating a commercial message, primarily emails whose purpose is to advertise or promote a commercial product or service, which includes website content.

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ICBA Education

Capital, Earnings, and Dividend Policy

Provides a clear outline of the bank's goals and parameters for maintaining an adequate capital base, and states how the payment of dividends relates to those goals and parameters.

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ICBA Education

Charitable Contributions Policy

Establishes the types of contributions the bank will grant and sets forth the budgeting and operational procedures needed to implement the policy.

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ICBA Education

Check Fraud: A Practical Guide to Altered, Forged, and Counterfeit Checks for Community Bankers

This guide is a resource to help ICBA members both minimize the incidents of check fraud related to altered, forged, and counterfeit checks and take appropriate steps to recover funds or otherwise minimize loss, when it does occur.

This publication is for general information purposes and is not intended to be, and should not be taken as, legal advice. The information in this publication is current as of March 2024.

The guide explains how the laws and regulations governing checks assign liability for check fraud to individual banks involved in the issuance, transmittal, and receipt of checks. In addition, it lists various defenses a bank may raise to avoid liability for check fraud.

To get the breakdown of the issue, how it affects you, and what you can do about it, read our in-depth guide to check fraud either here, or with the download button on this page.

Please note, this is a ICBA Member-only guide and you must be logged in to view it.


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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Check Your Ad

The Check Your Ad Program takes the guesswork out of determining the appropriate requirements for deposit and lending advertisements so that you can ensure your advertisements are compliant before an auditor or examiner finds a violation.

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ICBA EducationMarketing

Climate Change Regulation on Community Banks Report

This white paper demonstrates that community banks are experts at monitoring the risk of their lending and investment portfolios and do not need more regulation to manage their potential climate risks.

ICBA will oppose any climate risk regulation that adversely impacts community banks and their ability to support their communities and customers.

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy

Guides compliance with the Bank Bribery Act. Sets forth the basic policies of ethical conduct, the foundation of basic business standards, and personal conduct.

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ICBA Education

Commercial Lending Policy

Covers the bank's approach to commercial/business loans, including credit types, interest rates, pricing, borrower information requirements, legal lending limits, credit criteria, collateral, documentation, credit structure, and financial statement requirements.

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ICBA Education

Community Bank Perspective on the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection

The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) commends the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP) for initiating a wholistic review of its operations, and inviting dialogue and the pursuit of innovation through the publication of 12 requests for information (RFI).

ICBA responded to each RFI with the hope that the bureau uses the comments to reorient itself and focus on what it was intended to accomplish: facilitating greater consumer choice and efficient markets, while still vigorously enforcing consumer financial law in a way that guarantees due process. This paper is a summary of ICBA’s response to each RFI.

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Community Bank Regulatory Relief: A Roadmap to Economic Growth & Prosperity

Community banks have served as America’s engines of local economic growth since our nation’s founding, and the United States remains the only country in the world served by a broadly based, vibrant community banking sector. As our economy and financial system continue to evolve, community banking must be preserved and strengthened. The empowerment of community banks is a sure route to rekindling America’s economic vitality.

Today we have an opportunity to comprehensively rethink, restructure, and modernize the regulation of the American financial services industry to ensure that it promotes economic growth, prosperity, and job creation. Regulatory relief for community banks is a critical part of this effort. The purpose of this paper is to describe what is unique about American community banks, survey the regulatory environment in which they operate, identify regulatory barriers, and recommend solutions that will allow them to serve as engines of economic growth and prosperity for generations to come

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Community Reinvestment Policy

Sets the tone for Community Reinvestment Act compliance, whether by strategic plan or lending, investment, or service tests. Includes information on delineation of assessment area, performance standards, performance evaluation, data collection, reporting, disclosures, and public file.

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ICBA Education

Compliance Acronym Quick Reference Guide

This compliance acronym reference guide will allow you to quickly parse out the abbreviations that can at times become confusing.


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ICBA Education

Compliance Deskbook and Bulletin Service

The Compliance Deskbook is a compliance officer’s one-stop-shop for accessing compliance regulations, important dates, agency guidance, questionnaires, updates, and other resources.

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ICBA Education

Compliance Management Policy

This is an overall policy for demonstrating how your bank will comply with the banking compliance regulations. Provides information on compliance officer and compliance council responsibilities, monitoring and control, and compliance risk ratings. Includes a risk ratings flow chart.

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ICBA Education

Compliance Working Papers

One of the three elements of an effective compliance program is monitoring and corrective action. These compliance working papers are essential for monitoring your financial institution’s compliance with federal consumer compliance laws and regulations.

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ICBA Education

Consumer Lending Policy

Establishes standards for individual credit decisions such as anti-discrimination, credit criteria, credit documentation, regulatory requirements, loan types, and exceptions.

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ICBA Education

Core Processor Resource Guide

A community bank’s core processor should be a strategic partner that supports the bank’s long-term business objectives.

The ICBA Core Processor Resource Guide will help community banks with some of the more important aspects of managing this relationship to maximize the return on their technology investments.

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Credit Policy

Addresses the composition and control of the loan portfolio as a whole, and establishes standards for individual credit decisions.

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ICBA Education

Cross-Selling of Products and Service Policy

May be used as a freestanding policy or incorporated into your bank's broader-coverage marketing policy. Covers responsibilities for administering and overseeing the cross-selling program, participation and involvement, access and use of customer data for prospecting, compensation and incentives, elements for effective training and coaching, and quality assurance.

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ICBA Education

Crowe Bank Compensation and Benefits Survey

Purchasing the 2023 Crowe Financial Institutions Compensation and Benefits Survey gives you valuable compensation-focused benchmarking data.

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Current Expected Credit Loss Policy

Designed to maintain an adequate methodology for complying with CECL. This policy cover the role of the Board and Management; an overview of the allowance for credit losses; the components of the primary allowance for credit loss and reporting and testing.

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ICBA Education

Cybersecurity Policy

Written to assist all affected directors, officers, and staff in understanding and managing cyber risks. Topics include threat intelligence, situational awareness, risk assessment, inventory log management and monitoring, strategic planning, incident response, change management, staffing, training, and vendor management.

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ICBA Education

Disposal of Consumer and Customer Information Policy

Sets forth the bank’s systems and policies regarding the destruction of customer and consumer information. Defines various bank records and outlines steps to destroy information contained in them. Includes information to review a third-party service.

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ICBA Education

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

Diversity and inclusion standards have been set and this policy assists a financial institution in defining how it will implement, monitor, and convey their standards in the hiring and promoting of employees and in dealing with suppliers. Includes a policy statement suitable for public sharing.

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ICBA Education

Do They Know They’re Tax Exempt?

Credit unions have fallen short in fulfilling the terms of their original mandate, which once warranted a lucrative tax subsidy. This sentiment is felt by many individuals and organizations across the financial services industry but has failed to reach Washington policymakers in the form of equitable policy resolutions that persuade credit unions to return to their governing principles.

Credit unions were not intended to act as an alternative to banks but to complement their activities through offering safe and subsidized financial services to a specific clientele of financially underserved individuals.

Instead, credit unions have deviated from this mandate by competing for the same customers as regular for-profit banks at the expense of these vulnerable communities while engaging in high-risk operating practices that have etched away at their once distinctive niche in the world of financial services.

If credit unions cannot abide by their original mandate deserving of a tax subsidy, then taxpayers are financing an unequal playing field that leaves behind the financially underserved, cheats federal and state tax authorities, and unfairly disadvantages legitimate for-profit institutions like community banks.

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ICBA Education

Do-Not-Call Policy

Provides banks with guidance on complying with FTC and FCC regulations dealing with telemarketing practices. Covers federal Do Not Call Registry, internal lists, customers and non-customers, training, and retention periods. Includes a template for a Do Not Call Policy that you can give to individuals when they request a copy.

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ICBA Education

Dormant Accounts Policy

Addresses responsibility, defining dormant/inactive accounts, processing, reporting, and service charges and interest payments.

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ICBA Education

Electronic Banking Risk Management Policy

Establishes detailed policy guidelines for use of electronic banking, including security of customer information, third-party vendors, security controls, passwords, authentication, and strategic risk.

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ICBA Education

Electronic Data Processing Policy

Outlines the basic standards required to meet all areas of the bank's data processing operations. Provides structure and guidance to management, establishes controls, and addresses outside vendors, program security, and documentation.

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ICBA Education

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery Policy

Sets the basic plan for emergency preparedness including employee training and protection, succession, alternative headquarters, back-up facilities, back-up systems, and testing.

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ICBA Education

Environmental Risk and Liability Bank Policy

Covers the bank's approach to commercial/business loans, including credit types, interest rates, pricing, borrower information requirements, legal lending limits, credit criteria, collateral, documentation, credit structure, and financial statement requirements.

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ICBA Education

E-Sign Act Policy

The E-Sign Act provides a general rule of validity for electronic records and signatures for transactions in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce. E-Sign allows the use of electronic records to satisfy any statute, regulation, or rule of law requiring that such information be provided in writing, if the consumer has affirmatively consented to such use and has not withdrawn such consent.

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ICBA Education

Executive Officer Policy

Defines the relationship between the board and executive management and between executive management and the bank's other personnel. Covers hiring practices, management succession, promotions, and salary administration.

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ICBA Education

Fair Credit Reporting Act Policy

Defines the bank's responsibilities under the act, including loan and deposit declinations. Establishes guidelines for investigative reports and use of prescreened lists.

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ICBA Education

Fair Debt Collection Act Policy

Establishes the bank's intent for proper debt collection practices, including collection guidelines, collection activities, and third-party communications.

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ICBA Education

Fair Lending Policy

Establishes fair lending activities, including taking loan applications, telephone inquiries, advertising, and credit evaluation standards. Also covers loan decisions, notifications, and adverse action. Includes discussion on prohibited actions, disparate treatment, and disparate impact.

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ICBA Education

FDIC Signage & Advertisement Requirements

The FDIC has recently updated the requirements regarding FDIC insurance. As part of that update, all FDIC-insured institutions must have a policy regarding these FDIC requirements. Streamline compliance with FDIC signage and advertisement requirements using our FDIC Signage & Advertisement Requirements Policy. Tailored specifically for community banks, this customizable policy solution assists your institution in adhering to the latest FDIC regulations, including display guidelines for official signs and advertisement statements. Stay ahead of compliance challenges and protect your institution’s integrity.

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Financial Inclusion Report

Approximately 6 percent of Americans are unbanked,1 having no relationship with a bank, and an additional 16 percent are underbanked having used some form of alternative financial service. In this white paper we'll discuss how community banks can close the gap between consumers and the services they need.

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Fintech Strategy Roadmap

Community banks are, and always have been, innovators focused on the prosperity of the customers and local communities they serve. Community banks are not strangers to change. For more than 150 years, community banks have evolved in step with the technological changes occurring within the financial services industry

With customer preferences changing at an expeditious rate and expectations from users for a seamless omni-channel experience on the rise, disruption is occurring within numerous industries including financial services. The latest wave of rapid transformation is bringing financial technology or fintech to the forefront of the financial services conversation.

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ICBA Education

Fixed Asset Management Policy

Describes the responsibilities and processes utilized in the management of the bank's building, fixtures, furniture, and equipment.

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ICBA Education

Flood Insurance Policy

Ensures the proper use of flood hazard determination form, customer notification, insurance coverage, escrow, and forced placement procedures.

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ICBA Education

Focus on Farm Policy

The farm bill plays an important role in stabilizing our nation’s farmers and ranchers, assisting many rural communities, and meeting the nutritional needs of millions of lower-income Americans. Thousands of community banks and their agricultural and rural customers are also significantly affected by farm bill policies. This white paper outlines important policies and solutions to ensure the new farm bill allows community banks to continue meeting the needs of farmers, ranchers and others in rural America.

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Funds Management Policy

Designed to ensure that the bank is managed to provide adequate liquidity and a satisfactory and consistent level of profit within suitable interest rate risk constraints.

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ICBA Education

Holding Company Policy

Sets forth the underlying philosophy and structure for all relationships and transactions between the bank and the holding company.

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ICBA Education

Home Equity Lending Policy

Guides the bank in establishing requirements for marketing, underwriting standards, collateral valuation management, individual account and portfolio management, and servicing for open and closed-end loans.

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ICBA Education

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Reporting Policy

Establishes internal procedures that result in the proper recording of loan information, submission, and proper disclosures to the public.

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ICBA Education

HSA Compliance & Operations Manual – 18th Edition

When you need specific information about HSAs, the Health Savings Account Compliance & Operations Manual has it. As with IRAs, HSAs require strict adherence to IRS regulations. This manual gives clear explanations on HSA eligibility, document, contribution, distribution, and reporting requirements. Use it to stay in compliance and avoid potential penalties and HSA disqualification. This manual is in digital format. 

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ComplianceICBA Education

HSA Desktop Guide – 20th Edition

The answers are right at your fingertips when you have the Desktop Guide to Health Savings Accounts. The basics of HSAs are covered in an easy-to-read, question-and-answer format. As HSA rules continue to evolve and changes occur each year, reach for this handy digital booklet to give your clients the right information every time. This guide is in digital format.

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ComplianceICBA Education

HSA Training Organizer & Student Guide – 14th Edition

This comprehensive toolkit includes everything you need to deliver customized, basic HSA training.

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ComplianceICBA Education

Human Resources Policy

Provides management with a clear understanding of what the bank expects from its employees and, in turn, what employees can expect from the bank. Covers equal employment opportunity, employee classifications, employee compensation, hiring practices, vacations, sick leave, family and medical leave, education, termination, and sexual harassment. Includes new employee orientation and training.

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ICBA Education

I.T. Asset Lifecycle Policy

Establishes lifecycles for the hardware and software that is used within the bank as defined by the manufacturer or determined by the bank, identified by the manufacturer's plans for providing technical support and developing patches to correct any identified security vulnerabilities or operability issues.

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ICBA Education

ICBA Guidelines For Responding to ADA Demand Letters

This year, many companies, including community banks, have received demand letters from plaintiffs’ law firms alleging the company is violating Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) because their websites are not sufficiently accessible to individuals with visual disabilities.

Read further to see our guidelines for handling such issues.

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ICBA Education

ICBA Principles for GSE Reform and a Way Forward

In September 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) and the Treasury Department placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the government-sponsored enterprises, or GSEs) into conservatorship. Described at the time to the public as a temporary “time out” to allow both companies to stabilize, the plan of those policymakers who put the GSEs into conservatorship was to release both institutions from this “time out” once they were financially sound again. More than eight years have passed, and a third administration has inherited these conservatorships.

Unfortunately, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have less capital today than when they were placed under control of their regulator and the Treasury. Yet, both companies have returned to profitability and have worked through the majority of their defaulted loans, all while continuing to provide the liquidity to the housing market that’s been critical for its recovery from the worst recession in more than 80 years

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ICBA Education

ICBA Principles for Tax Reform

Ultimately, tax and regulatory reform will determine the character of American economic life in future generations. A tax and regulatory system that promotes consolidation, implicitly or explicitly, not only in the financial industry but also across the economy, will result in fewer and larger businesses, less consumer choice and commodified product offerings. Local businesses, decision making and values will continue to be displaced by nationally-owned corporations that are remote from individual communities.

Commerce based on one-off transactions will displace relationship-based partnerships. Tax reform, accomplished thoughtfully and in conjunction with regulatory reform, could help to thwart these trends and preserve and strengthen local businesses and communities

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ICBA Education

Identifying and Addressing Redlining Risk

Your guide to fair lending and redlining scrutiny. It provides a high-level overview of the types of discrimination claims that a bank can face.In addition provides a more detailed treatment of redlining and what your bank can do to protect itself from redlining violations.

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Identity Theft Prevention Policy (Red Flag)

Provides guidance regarding the nature of identity theft, ways to prevent or deter it, response to suspected or actual instances, and education of bank staff and customers. This policy includes the final rules and guidelines implementing sections 114 and 315 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACT Act) including "red flag" guidance.

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ICBA Education

Incident Response Plan Policy

Lays out the steps to be followed should a bank experience a breach of data or loss of customer information. Includes an Incident Response policy, steps to take for specific types of incidents, a sample customer notification letter, and an incident response form.

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ICBA Education

Industrial Loan Companies: Closing the Loophole to Avert Consumer and Systemic Harm

ICBA urges Congress to pass an amendment to the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 to permanently close the ILC loophole, just as Congress has closed past banking loopholes that threatened to undermine consolidated supervision and the separation of banking and commerce

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ICBA Education

Information Security Program Policy

This policy and the sub-policies it contains are designed to provide guidance to all bank employees of the confidentiality and importance of safely maintaining customer information.

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ICBA Education

Insider and Affiliate Credit Policy

For compliance with insider lending. Designed to address the particular credit and legal standards that apply to insiders, including lending limitations for individuals and affiliates.

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ICBA Education

Interest Rate Risk Policy

Establishes the guidelines to ensure that the bank is managed to recognize, measure, and control interest rate risk by setting risk limits, strategies, and reporting formats.

Updated to reflect the current expectations of the regulators as outlined in FIL-2-2012 Supervisory Guidance: Interest Rate Risk Management.


Major topics covered in the policy:

  • Risk measurement methodologies
  • Interest rate risk scenarios - rate shocks, risk components
  • Risk parameters
  • System maintenance - inputs and assumptions, system capabilities
  • Assumption sensitivity analysis
  • Risk management strategies
  • Assignment of responsibilities
  • Reporting
  • Independent review and back-testing

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ICBA Education

Internal and External Audit

Designed to assist board members with their audit responsibilities. Includes audit function structure and committee meetings, technical duties, compliance, filing audit reports, roles and responsibilities of the auditor, the audit program, program effectiveness, external audit firms, and review of external audit. 

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ICBA Education

Internal Controls Policy

 Addresses the various controls to ensure efficient and effective bank operations, the reliability of financial reporting, and an effective risk management system. Covers administrative, accounting, and operating controls.

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ICBA EducationSubject Matter

Internet and E-Mail Risk Management Policy

Establishes a set of policies for use of the Internet and e-mail facilities. Includes guidelines for customers' privacy, procedures in the case of disruptions of bank operations, bank computers, terminals, software, and their electronic connections.

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ICBA Education

Investment Policy

Covers the delegation of investment authority and accountability, the definition of acceptable types of investments, and how to maximize the bank's profitability while meeting the local communities' credit/financing needs.

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ICBA Education

IRA Compliance & Operations Manual – 33rd Edition

When you need specific information about IRAs, the Individual Retirement Account Compliance & Operations Manual has it. IRAs require strict adherence to IRS regulations. This manual gives clear explanations on IRA eligibility, document, contribution, distribution, and reporting requirements. Use it to stay in compliance and avoid potential penalties and IRA disqualification. This manual is in digital format.

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ComplianceICBA Education

IRA Fact Book – 35th Edition

Refer to the IRA Fact Book when you need concise answers to some of the more common questions and topics you and your colleagues field from clients on a day-to-day basis. Organized in a user-friendly, question-and-answer format, this is one digital book you won’t want to do without. This book is in digital format.

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ComplianceICBA Education

IRA Training Organizer & Student Guide – 16th Edition

This comprehensive toolkit includes everything you need to deliver customized, basic IRA training.

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ComplianceICBA Education

Liquidity Contingency Funding Plan Policy

Provides a written contingency funding plan as required by Interagency Guidance on Funding and Liquidity Risk Management.  Delineates strategies and actions addressing potential liquidity shortfalls in emergency situations.  Includes identification of stress events, stress levels, early warning indicators, parameters for liquidity stress testing, sources of funds and funding strategies, lines of responsibility and communication, as well as a detailed crisis action plan.

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ICBA Education

Liquidity Risk Management Policy

Designed to ensure that the bank is managed to provide an adequate level of liquidity to meet both predicted and unexpected cash needs while maintaining a planned net interest margin.

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ICBA Education

Litigation Risk Policy

Defines the risks associated with real or threatened litigation. Covers legal counsel's role and responsibilities, risk management, assessment of potential losses, and system controls.

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ICBA Education

Loan Review Policy

Covers loan review committee duties and loan review officer responsibilities and qualifications, as well as scope of review, sample selection, and types of review. Highlights a rating system that includes eight grades, upgrading and downgrading information, and portfolio monitoring with three tiers. Also includes a special concern classification, loan watch list, and corrective action reporting and training.

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ICBA Education

Loan Workout Policy

Establishes an appropriate practice for renewing and restructuring troubled credits. Addresses the requirements that are appropriate for the complexity of the bank’s loans and that are consistent with safe and sound lending practices and regulatory reporting requirements.

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ICBA Education

Management of Country Risk Policy

Addresses the risk that economic, social, and political conditions in a foreign country may adversely affect a bank's financial interests. Covers responsibility, policies and procedures, country exposure reporting system, risk analysis, country risk ratings, exposure limits, and monitoring provisions.

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ICBA Education

Marijuana Business and MRB Lending Policy

Establishes a prudent framework for financial institutions to responsibly conduct business with legal marijuana/cannabis businesses in their communities while acknowledging and mitigating the legal and regulatory risks posed by doing so. The Marijuana Business and MRB Lending Policy can be customized to fit the institution’s risk profile and line of business strategy and assures lending, compliance, and BSA/AML staff have access to necessary information that addresses the many marijuana/cannabis issues that must be understood, documented, and monitored. Includes a Due Diligence Checklist.

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ICBA Education

Marijuana/Cannabis and MRB Policy

This policy establishes the responsibilities and requirements for conducting banking activities for legal marijuana and cannabis businesses, including those Tier 2 and Tier 3 businesses that have a secondary or tertiary relationship with marijuana related businesses.

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ICBA Education

Marketing Policy

Provides guidelines for the management of the bank's marketing function, including development of the annual marketing plan and ongoing decision making. Includes regulatory compliance, geographic limitations, and prohibited activities.

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ICBA EducationMarketing

Merchant Services Policy

Guides the bank in managing its relationship with Visa/MasterCard merchants. Topics include management of risk, capital adequacy, merchant approval processes, pricing, and fraud monitoring.

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ICBA Education

Military Lending Act Bank Policy

This policy outlines the objective of the Military Lending Act to extend protections to a broader range of closed-end and open-end products. Includes information on the MAPR, disclosure requirements, limitations and interpretations of the Department of Defense.

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ICBA Education

Model Risk Management Policy

Establishes methodology to mitigate potential risks arising from the bank's reliance on financial models and to ensure that the sources and the magnitude of the bank's model risk are understood and managed effectively.

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ICBA Education

Modernizing Anti-Money Laundering & Anti-Terrorist Financing Laws & Regulations

In today’s world, it is imperative that financial institutions, law enforcement, and our government work together to combat and prevent financial crime, money laundering, and terrorist financing. Community bankers are committed to supporting balanced, effective measures that will prevent terrorists from using the financial system to fund their operations and prevent money launderers from hiding the proceeds of criminal activities.

However, anti-money laundering/combatting the financing of terrorism and Bank Secrecy Act compliance programs consume a growing share of community banks’ scarce resources.

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Money Services Businesses Policy

This policy provides guidance to assess the risks associated with servicing MSBs. Topics include the identification, documentation, and monitoring of these entities, as well as the operational areas and reviews that must be conducted to be in compliance.

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ICBA Education

Overdrafts Policy

Designed to address the risk associated with overdrafts, including the responsibility to communicate the policy to customers, payment or return of items, collection, charge-off and account closings, error resolution, and reporting

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ICBA Education

Pandemic Policy

This may be used as a stand alone policy or incorporated into your Business Continuity Policy. Contains guidance from The Interagency Statement on Pandemic Planning. Includes sample Pandemic Plan.

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ICBA Education

Planning and Budgeting Policy

Identifies the responsible parties and outlines the process for developing and implementing the strategic plan and the budget.

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ICBA Education

Postal Banking - A Flawed Proposal in Pursuit of a Worthy Goal - Part 1

Part one in a three part series, this installment outlines how the pursuit of postal banking would harm the already stressed primary function of the United States Postal Service, mail delivery.

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Government BanksPostal Service Banking

Postal Banking - A Flawed Proposal in Pursuit of a Worthy Goal - Part 2

Part two in a three part series, we argue that USPS simply does not possess the know-how to succeed at banking, that legislative mandates would undermine revenues, and that the agency would likely fail at the twin objectives of postal banking.

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Government BanksPostal Service Banking

Postal Banking - A Flawed Proposal in Pursuit of a Worthy Goal - Part 3

Community bankers are committed to serving their communities, including unbanked populations. A community cannot thrive without inclusive access to the banking system. This concern is too important to entrust to an untested proposal.

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Government BanksPostal Service Banking

Pre-Employment Background Screening Policy

Reflects information contained in the FDIC’s Financial Institution Letter 46-2005 on Pre-Employment Background Screening. Covers the purpose and scope of the policy, responsibility, service providers, minimum screen requirements, additional screening procedures, and policy review. Note: This policy is included in our Human Resources policy (#184).

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ICBA Education

Professional Development Planner

Help employees explore careers and position them for growth at your community bank with ICBA Education’s Professional Development Planner.

The Professional Development Planner offers a detailed overview of more than 80 community bank job functions and assists employees in exploring and shaping their careers by outlining the experience, skills, and competencies needed to achieve their professional goals.

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ICBA Education

Quality Control System Policy

Sets the guidelines for establishing a quality control system. Covers the purpose and scope of a quality control system, system operation, investigation, and policy review.

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ICBA Education

Real Estate Lending Policy

Covers in detail the general policies that apply to all real estate secured lending, portfolio diversification, notices, pricing, CRE, product structure, IORR, construction lending, development loans, and concentration management.

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Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Policy

Establishes internal procedures to ensure proper compliance with the act, such as disclosures, escrow accounts, mortgage servicing transfers, and error resolution.

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Regulation B: Equal Credit Opportunity Act Policy

Provides guidance for lenders on the requirements of this regulation as well as prescreening, the interview and application process, credit evaluation, action notifications, signature policy, and credit reporting.

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Regulation CC: Expedited Funds Availability Act Policy

Establishes internal procedures to address proper funds availability, disclosure, collection of checks, return of unpaid checks, and payment of interest on deposited funds.

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Regulation D: Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions

Includes definitions for the various types of deposit accounts, as well as eligibility, transaction limitations, and penalties. Provides the computation and reporting requirements of Regulation D and establishes internal procedures that assist personnel in complying with the reserve requirements.

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Regulation DD: Deposit Account Terms, Disclosures, and Advertising Policy

Addresses acceptable account terms, appropriate disclosure of these terms, and uniformity in advertising.

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Regulation E: Electronic Funds Transfer Act Policy

Establishes the internal procedures for proper issuance of access devices, disclosure, limitations on customer liability, documentation of transfers, and error resolution.

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Regulation E: International Remittance Transfer Policy Act

Provides guidance for those banks that will act as Remittance Transfer Providers. Dodd-Frank added consumer protections for remittance transfers sent by consumers in the United States to individuals and businesses in foreign countries. The systems required by this regulation are intended to significantly improve the predictability of remittance transfers, as well as provide consumers with better information for comparison shopping. This policy is designed for those banks that will process more than 100 remittance transfers annually.

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ICBA Education

Regulation F: Correspondent Banking Policy

Designed to limit the risks that the failure of another depository institution poses to the bank. Provides the board with a methodology for establishing criteria to select a correspondent bank and outlines procedures for identifying, monitoring, and managing correspondent relationships and correspondent concentration risks. Updated to guide compliance with the Interagency Guidance on Correspondent Concentration Risks (FIL-18-2010) and Regulation F: Limitations on Interbank Liabilities. Includes a Concentration Risk Worksheet in Microsoft® Excel to calculate and monitor credit and funding exposures for correspondents on a stand-alone and organization-wide basis.

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ICBA Education

Regulation GG - Unlawful Internet Gambling Policy

Policy states how the bank will implement its compliance with Regulation GG and how it will identify and block, or otherwise prevent and prohibit restricted transactions.

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Regulation P: Consumer Privacy Policy

Addresses the collection, use, and retention of customer information, including maintenance of accurate information, limiting employee access, protection via security procedures, maintaining customer privacy in business relationships with third parties, and disclosure of privacy principles to customers.

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ICBA Education

Regulation Z: Regulation Z Suite

This suite of policies includes Lending Advertising Policy, Closed-End Consumer Non-Real Estate Loans Policy, Consumer Closed-end Real Estate Loan Policy, HELOC and Other Open End Products Policy, Consumer Credit Card Policy, and Appendix.

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ICBA Education

Remote Deposit Capture Policy

Identifies and explains the inherent risks associated with RDC, establishes a sound risk management program and outlines internal controls and written procedures for managing the on-going risk.

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Right to Financial Privacy Policy

Establishes limitations and duties regarding the release of information sought by government agencies.

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ICBA Education

Risk Management Policy

Provides the overall framework for the supervision, management, operation, and control of the bank’s risk management program. Includes duties and responsibilities of the risk management committee and risk management officer.

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ICBA Education

SAFE Act Bank Policy

Guides the bank in compliance with the SAFE Act in a manner appropriate to the nature, size, complexity, and scope of the bank's operations. Addresses registration requirements for mortgage loan originators and the bank, required information, use of unique identifiers and maintaining registrations.

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Safe Deposit Box Policy

Will ensure that the bank operates in a manner that complies with all applicable laws and provides absolute safety and privacy to customers with safe deposit boxes. Covers objectives, definitions and scope, responsibility, CIP, rental contracts, state law issues, customer and master keys, access, employee access, delinquency and termination, fees/charges, record keeping, insurance, audit, and policy review.

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Safeguarding Customer Information Policy

Pertains to the protection of customer information from unauthorized or illegal disclosure. Covers the development and implementation of an information security program, including responsibility, assessment of risk, management and control of risk, employee education and training, testing, monitoring, oversight of service provider arrangements, updating/adjusting the program, and reporting to the board.

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ICBA Education

Sale of Nondeposit Investments Policy

Applies to all retail sales of nondeposit products, including marketing and promotional activities. Covers objectives, scope, responsibility, minimum standards, program management, setting and circumstances of sales, disclosures and advertising, suitability, qualifications and training, compensation, fiduciary accounts, third-party arrangements, compliance and audit, exceptions to policy, and policy review.

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Secondary Mortgage Market Policy

This policy establishes the guidelines for the bank to follow to stay in compliance with the rules, regulations, and industry standards that apply to the origination and sale of whole loans by the bank.

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Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Bank Policy

This policy outlines the financial relief protection extended to servicemembers when they are called into active military duty. Covers issues with direct implications to community banks, such as the bank’s obligations in reducing interest rates, installment and lease contracts, coverage of certain family members, and automatic extensions of power of attorney.

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ICBA Education

Social Media Policy and Guidelines

Provides guidance on how social media will be approached, proper methods for promoting the bank’s message and image, and consequences of not following guidelines. Includes Management and User Guidelines for Social Media.

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ICBA Education

Social Media Toolkit and Policy

Provides guidance on how social media will be approached, proper methods for promoting the bank’s message and image, and consequences of not following guidelines. Includes Management and User Guidelines for Social Media.

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ICBA Education

Technology Risk Management Policy

Covers responsibility and management structure; security concerns related to physical systems, personnel, computers/databases, audit trails, and cyber threats; electronic banking; contingency planning; and potential exceptions.

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ICBA Education

Ultimate Guide for Bank Directors

New Version May 2024! The Ultimate Guide for Bank Directors – Back to Basics helps bank directors and management focus on what matters: keeping all aspects of the bank in balance by minimizing concentrations, keeping the risk at bay, and maintaining good liquidity, capital, earnings and credit quality. All the while, keeping a steady hand on the controls of the bank. This is a must read for every board member or bank executive.

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ICBA Education

Unfair and Deceptive Credit Practices Policy

Establishes procedures for receiving and handling consumer complaints. States the bank's intent to prevent unfair, deceptive or abusive acts or practices in connection with any transaction for a consumer financial product or service. Sets guidelines to properly handle consumer credit contracts, late charge accounting practices, and cosigner practices. Policy template includes Review Procedures and Consumer Complaint Procedures.

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ICBA Education

Unfairness and Discrimination: Examining the CFPB’s Conflation of Distinct Statutory Concepts

Banks are committed to serving the families and businesses in their communities and proudly supply the financial products and services that provide important economic opportunities for individuals, families, and small business owners. It follows that banks support fair, objective, and transparent enforcement of civil rights and fair lending laws. However, we cannot support the CFPB's recent actions, taken without legislative authority, to extend fair lending laws beyond the bounds carefully set by Congress.

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PublicationsWhite Papers
ICBA Education

Vendor Risk Management

Provides guidance on managing the risks that may arise from outsourced relationships, including responsibilities, risk assessment, due diligence, contracts, security and confidentiality, controls, business resumption, and monitoring.

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Wire Transfer Policy

Identifies the risks and establishes the policies dealing with wire transfers. Covers how to accurately process requests made in person, by phone, or other electronic means, with emphasis on regulatory requirements, money laundering, and settlement by giving best practice examples.

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Work From Home Policy

This policy is written to include both long-term and emergency situations for bank employees working at home or in a remote location, and addresses the determination and availability of employees, productivity issues, home office and equipment assessment, remote access considerations, safeguarding information, monitoring, and reimbursement considerations. A short-term telecommuting agreement is also included.

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