Boardroom Strategies for Financial Institutions focuses on the relationships among board members and how to be effective inside the boardroom. It is a must have for new and experienced board members. This book is a companion book to The Ultimate Guide for Bank Directors, Revised Edition.
Many directors come to the board room without prior governance experience and navigating the many challenges that face them can seem daunting. The strategies discussed in this book range from how to artfully frame questions to get the best response from management to how to “wedge your place setting” at an already crowded boardroom table.
Experienced directors will also find this book helpful as they navigate difficult decisions that require coordination with other board members.
Written by two former bank regulators (Authors: Catherine A. Ghiglieri and Jewell D. Hoover) who have also served on financial institution boards, Boardroom Strategies for Financial Institutions provides practical guidance and applications for most governance situations in the boardroom.
It is a must have for new and experienced board members!
Bank Director Program: $23.95