March 2020 - Online Training Newsletter

Mar 25, 2020
In this time of uncertainty, you may have employees who are unable to perform their daily job duties because they are working from home or your lobby traffic has decreased dramatically.

Standing Together For Our Communities

Mar 23, 2020
As the coronavirus emergency continues, ICBA has been working around the clock and through the weekend to ensure critical reforms and resources are available to help the nation’s community banks support American customers, small businesses, and the economy. Here is a quick update on some of the key reforms achieved on your behalf thus far and the latest information available.

Community Banks Remain Vigilant Amid COVID-19 Cyber Threats

Mar 23, 2020
As more and more consumers are moving to online banking during the coronavirus pandemic, some for the first time ever, criminals are looking for ways to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals.

How to Help Your Small-Business Customers During the Pandemic

Mar 18, 2020
During times of crisis, such as today’s COVID-19 pandemic, small businesses rely on community banks for help in navigating the volatility and in executing the right measures to maintain fiscal health.

Coronavirus Could Accelerate Decline of Cash

Mar 13, 2020
The coronavirus outbreak is raising concerns about the use of cash as more Americans embrace digital technology to pay and get paid. These ongoing trends will have a significant impact on community bankers, consumers, retailers, and policymakers.

Standing up for small business

Mar 9, 2020
Despite strong ICBA and community bank opposition, the Small Business Administration is moving ahead with a rule that could significantly harm its guaranteed lending programs.

ICBA LIVE ThinkTECH Showcase: Know Before You Go

Mar 5, 2020
What differentiates ThinkTECH Accelerator participants from the fintech world at large? The difference lies in the input, guidance and insights these companies receive from a distinguished network of industry leaders, including community bank executives.

Preparing your community bank for the coronavirus

Mar 4, 2020
On Jan. 30, the World Health Organization and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared public health emergencies in response to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. In this blog post, we offer tips to help community banks prepare for a possible coronavirus outbreak.

Accelerator: Driving Data Analytics and Reducing Fraud

Mar 4, 2020
Community banks with fewer resources and less money to invest in technology than their larger counterparts, may view using data analytics as being out of reach. It’s not.

Accelerator Addresses Financial Well-Being ​

Mar 3, 2020
Let’s face it. We’re not living in our parents’ financial services world. In today’s immediate gratification society, our concern lies more with what’s in our account this second than where it will be next week.