Sep 28, 2020
Whether you are looking for the latest regulatory compliance training or want to challenge your staff, Community Banker University has expanded our online catalog to include a wealth of new courses to help you meet your objectives.
Sep 17, 2020
Community banks have long served the small-business market, but given the pandemic impact, new opportunities have emerged to support these customers’ payments needs and address areas of friction.
Sep 15, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic, hurricane season, and the wildfires on the West Coast, stand as prudent reminders of how critical disaster preparedness is not only for community banks, but for our communities at large.
Sep 15, 2020
Summer is approaching rapidly, and it’s often the best time to catch up on reading. So, here are some suggestions for great books to hone your leadership skills.
Sep 15, 2020
Academic studies have shown that making yourself smile can actually boost your mood and that a warm smile can help convince other people of your competence. Smiling is also contagious.
Sep 10, 2020
From having to adapt to retail closings, diminished staff and customer capacities, a new work-from-home infrastructure, and more, the nation’s small businesses have reacted quickly in the wake of the pandemic.
Sep 4, 2020
Second-quarter FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile statistics are not just evidence of community banks’ resilience in times of economic hardship, but an attestation to the resilience of their commitment to Main Street as a guarantor of essential financial services.
Aug 28, 2020
Community Banker University is proud to partner with subject matter experts on topics that go beyond the scope of banking fundamentals. On Aug. 18, we launched new courses that focus on topical concerns of the day.
Aug 25, 2020
In an environment where innovation needs to be continual, how can community banks succeed? Blake Swafford, senior innovation officer at SimplyBank, sums it up well. “It’s about being really committed to innovation."
Aug 25, 2020
On Sept. 3, a complimentary presentation hosted by CDFI certified bankers, federal agency staff, and ICBA experts will share the benefits of becoming a CDFI lender, how the process works, and real-life banker experiences and outcomes with this program