Green Grass and High Strides: A Story of Resilience and Commitment in Community Banks’ Latest Performance Numbers

Sep 4, 2020
Second-quarter FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile statistics are not just evidence of community banks’ resilience in times of economic hardship, but an attestation to the resilience of their commitment to Main Street as a guarantor of essential financial services.

August 2020 - Online Training Newsletter

Aug 28, 2020
Community Banker University is proud to partner with subject matter experts on topics that go beyond the scope of banking fundamentals. On Aug. 18, we launched new courses that focus on topical concerns of the day.

SimplyBank’s Take on Fostering Community Bank Innovation

Aug 25, 2020
In an environment where innovation needs to be continual, how can community banks succeed? Blake Swafford, senior innovation officer at SimplyBank, sums it up well. “It’s about being really committed to innovation."

CDFI Program Offers Help to Small Businesses in Underserved Communities

Aug 25, 2020
On Sept. 3, a complimentary presentation hosted by CDFI certified bankers, federal agency staff, and ICBA experts will share the benefits of becoming a CDFI lender, how the process works, and real-life banker experiences and outcomes with this program

ICBA’s Annual M&A Workshop Goes Virtual through a Webinar Series

Aug 25, 2020
Kicking off Oct. 13, Community Banker University® is hosting a four-part Mergers & Acquisitions Webinar Workshop series presented by Gerrish Smith Tuck. This series replaces ICBA’s annual, live in-person M&A Workshop for 2020.

Kickoff! A Football Fan’s Guide to Portfolio Management

Aug 25, 2020
As the calendar turns to September, millions of Americans gear up for their favorite sport of football. Of course, with this being a year unlike any other, we’re still trying to figure out what it will look like. Nonetheless, what better way to usher in the new football season than to relate common gridiron phraseology to its investment portfolio equivalent?

2008 vs. 2020: A Financial Crisis Comparison

Aug 25, 2020
How does the financial crisis of 2008 compare with the pandemic-driven economic crisis of today? Though both significantly impacted our economy, there are key differences between the two.

Why Succession Planning is Key to Bank Independence

Aug 25, 2020
Independence is at the heart of many community banks’ ethos, but how do community bankers embed this core value into their strategic planning? Here are three critical strategies that use succession planning and board management to maintain independence.

Continuing the ThinkTECH Accelerator Journey

Aug 21, 2020
Growth is the synthesis of change and continuity, which is why we recently kicked off its application period for our third ICBA ThinkTECH Accelerator cohort--to maintain the program's momentum and ongoing quest to identify technology solutions that solve for community bank pain points.

Brave New Housing Market: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Banks

Aug 18, 2020
While policymakers continue debating new approaches to mitigate the coronavirus' ongoing impact, one issue has attracted newfound scrutiny as the pandemic’s economic consequences unfold: How will these financial pressures affect the U.S. housing market?