August 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Aug 29, 2018
Most community bank training programs follow the calendar year, so if you have not completed your annual regulatory training requirements, there are only four months left to do so.

July 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Jul 30, 2018
ICBA’s Community Banker University is pleased to release nine updated bank security courses. The course titles are the same, but the content has been updated and the courses have been converted into the new look and functionality as the BSA courses were last month.

June 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Jun 28, 2018
ICBA’s Community Banker University is pleased to present six new Bank Secrecy Act courses. The new course content is written specifically for various groups or job functions within the bank.

May 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

May 30, 2018
On May 24, the Economic Growth, and Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155) was signed into law. This new law gives community banks with assets of less than $10 billion regulatory relief in several areas including qualified mortgage safe harbor from the ability-to-repay, appraisal relief in rural areas, HMDA adjustments to data collection, and escrow requirements.

April 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Apr 30, 2018
On March 14, the Senate passed the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155). The bill is now in the hands of the U.S. House of Representatives. ICBA staff and community bankers across the country are working diligently with lawmakers to get this bill passed and onto the desk of the president to sign into law.

March 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Mar 29, 2018
​Thank you to all of those who stopped by the ICBA Community Banker University booth to drop off your “pink card” and chat with us. During our time at the Expo hall, we were able to show what our Online Training system looks like and demonstrate the ease of use to those whom have not yet seen it by utilizing giant touch screens.

February 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Feb 27, 2018
​A big “THANK YOU” to all who completed our online training survey in January! The information shared is extremely valuable to ensure ICBA’s Community Banker University Online Training Center is moving in the right direction.

January 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Jan 30, 2018
As the calendar has now flipped to January, we know your bank has the large task of assigning employees annual training and ensuring your bank’s training program is robust, engaging, and comprehensive. It is a major task for banks and we hope you will take advantage of the 300-plus courses that ICBA has to offer in its online training library.

October 2017 - Online Training Newsletter

Oct 30, 2017
Thank you for subscribing to ICBA’s Community Banker University Online Training Center. We hope that you find the training informative and beneficial for your community bank. Online training is one of the easiest ways for community banks to educate their staff on required regulations, job functions and a multitude of other areas such as personal development, management and customer service.

September 2017 - Online Training Newsletter

Sep 27, 2017
ICBA’s Community Banker University is excited to tell you about a change you will see when you log into your online training beginning on Monday, Oct. 2.