Mythbusting Digital Misconceptions

Jun 29, 2017
Tina Giorgio: According to a new Price Waterhouse Cooper digital payments study, 46 percent of bank customers interact with their banks EXCLUSIVELY through digital channels (e.g., mobile, tablet and PC). This staggering trend away from traditional banking methods begs this important question: “What products and services is my bank delivering to customers living a digital life?”

Faster Payments — How Fast is Fast?

May 17, 2017
Tina Giorgio: Faster payments is a drum you’ll frequently hear me beat and I have made it something of a personal mission, to ensure that the voices and concerns of community bankers are front and center as industry stakeholders work to improve the U.S. payments system.

Small Enough to Jail, Strong Enough to Resist

May 17, 2017
A documentary premiering this week in New York features a community bank that not only stood up for what’s right against overwhelming opposition—but also had the courage to share its story.

Taking Pride in Successful Capital Summit

May 12, 2017
Community bankers have many reasons to stand proud after last week’s seminal ICBA Capital Summit in Washington.

Skate to Where the Puck is Going

Apr 21, 2017
Tina Giorgio: As we move into the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, and I move into a series of discussions on U.S. faster payments efforts, I am reminded of a quote from the great one, Wayne Gretzky. His now-famous quote has been used over and over—“Skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.” When I think about faster payments, that couldn’t be more true.

March Was A Mad Month

Apr 5, 2017
Tina Giorgio: I attended my very first ICBA Community Banking LIVE® convention in San Antonio. During my banking career, I’ve attended many large conferences, but I must say that ICBA LIVE now tops my list. I have never seen so many engaged bankers and vendors in one place and was truly moved by the commitment, dedication and passion for our industry that was on display.

White House Shows Commitment to Community Banks

Mar 22, 2017
As much as I enjoyed being with my fellow community bankers in San Antonio last week at ICBA’s national convention, it was nice to get back to Washington to advance the cause of community banking.

Conventional Wisdom

Feb 27, 2017
What do community banks have in common with astronauts, fighter pilots and football stars? At next month’s ICBA Community Banking LIVE® national convention, community bankers from across the nation will get to see for themselves.

Developing A Payments Strategy Part II: The Nitty Gritty

Feb 22, 2017
Tina Giorgio: In my former role as a community banker, I always found it helpful to create visual aids to clarify complex relationships and concepts. In the example below, you can see how a bank’s payments strategy initiatives can be compartmentalized based on whether you are expanding an existing channel or innovating through new channels.

Developing A Payments Strategy Part I

Jan 23, 2017
Tina Giorgio: In the six months that I’ve been president and CEO of ICBA Bancard, a recurring question I keep hearing from community bankers is, “How do I develop a payments strategy that will best position my financial institution for the future?” As a former community banker, I absolutely understand this concern.