Finish the Job

Mar 22, 2018
With the 2018 ICBA Capital Summit just weeks away, I’ve never been more impressed by the strength of community banks!

Increasing Cybersecurity: 3 Steps to Mitigate the Hacker’s Heist

Mar 21, 2018
Tina Giorgio: With threats continuing to emerge, I sat down with ICBA’s cyber expert, Jeremy Dalpiaz, assistant vice president of cyber and data security policy, to discuss what community banks can do to thwart cyberattacks. Our conversation uncovered three important tips for banks in navigating today’s cyber landscape.

February 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Feb 27, 2018
​A big “THANK YOU” to all who completed our online training survey in January! The information shared is extremely valuable to ensure ICBA’s Community Banker University Online Training Center is moving in the right direction.

A Convention to Remember

Feb 15, 2018
We’re just a few short weeks away from next month’s ICBA Community Banking LIVE® national convention—the biggest show in community banking in the world! And to top it all off, it will be my last as ICBA president and CEO.

January 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Jan 30, 2018
As the calendar has now flipped to January, we know your bank has the large task of assigning employees annual training and ensuring your bank’s training program is robust, engaging, and comprehensive. It is a major task for banks and we hope you will take advantage of the 300-plus courses that ICBA has to offer in its online training library.

2018: The Year of the Community Bank

Jan 17, 2018
Tina Giorgio: There’s something about the start of a new year that breeds optimism and fresh perspective. Challenges give way to opportunities, and obstacles become puzzles to solve. That positive tenacity intensifies for me as I look at 2018, a year in banking like no other. From the digital revolution to the role of fintechs, a new day has dawned, and in its light, we see the sprouting progression of community banking.

Gimme Shelter

Dec 31, 2017
Sheltered Harbor is a financial services sector initiative that enables financial institutions to securely store and rapidly reconstitute account information while recovering from a cyber incident or natural disaster.

Are You A Goal Digger? Six Professional Development Ideas for Payments Leaders

Dec 5, 2017
Tina Giorgio: When I gaze back on my career, I see peaks and the valleys; the times where I knew where I was headed and the times where I felt I was driving at night without headlights. In my role as a community banker, in particular, things seemed to accelerate with lightning speed. Sometimes, I was clairvoyant, reading that market crystal ball like a road map, and sometimes, well, let’s just say that we adapted.

ICBA Brief Offers Latest on Tax Reform Debate

Nov 15, 2017
To give community bankers the lay of the land on the fast-paced and fluctuating tax reform debate, ICBA released a new informational brief with the latest details.

What Does the Faster Payments Revolution Mean for Community Banks?

Oct 30, 2017
Tina Giorgio: My goal is not only to ensure that community banks stay relevant when it comes to real-time payments but ensure that solution providers are delivering affordable, integrated solutions for community banks that are easy for them to deploy,