ThinkTECH Accelerator Finalists Gear Up for Showcase

Mar 11, 2019
With the bootcamp experience coming to a close, here's a sneak peek into what community bankers can expect during the ThinkTECH Showcase at ICBA LIVE® next week.

Wall Street Spins Another Tall Tale

Mar 4, 2019
The megabanks are at it again.

Focusing on Economic Opportunity

Mar 4, 2019
Community banks' dedication to bipartisan economic principles that expand access to financial services shines through in ICBA’s new policy platform: “Community Focus 2020: The Community Bank Agenda for Expanding Economic Opportunity.”

Expediting Commercial Loan Applications with Accelerator Finalist CRiskCo ​

Feb 28, 2019
ICBA's Kevin Tweddle talks expedited underwriting for commercial loans with ThinkTECH Accelerator finalist CRiskCo. Marty Sellars of FNBC Bank in Ash Flat, Ark., provides perspective on the need to create seamless customer experiences.

ThinkTECH Accelerator Finalists Demonstrate Their “Whys”

Feb 26, 2019
Tina Giorgio: Whether I’m working with banking professionals or with entrepreneurs in the fintech space, I have one key piece of advice: I ask, “What is your why?” and encourage them to focus on that response. Because, when they home in on that, everything else falls into place.

Introducing Secure Digital Transport with Accelerator Finalist Botdoc

Feb 20, 2019
ICBA's Kevin Tweddle talks remote document collection with ThinkTECH Accelerator finalist Botdoc. Marty Sellars of FNBC Bank and Stephen Wooters with Fairfield County Bank discuss the importance of keeping customer information secure.

Streamlining Digital Lending with Accelerator Finalist MK Decision

Feb 13, 2019
ICBA Bancard's Tina Giorgio profiles ThinkTECH Accelerator finalist MK Decision and its online loan origination system, creating a more seamless user experience. Community banker Stephen Wooters of Fairfield County Bank also lends his perspective.

​Making Banking a Social Endeavor with Accelerator Finalist Invest Sou Sou

Feb 8, 2019
ICBA Bancard's Tina Giorgio profiles ThinkTECH Accelerator finalist Invest Sou Sou and its social banking account offering to help address the nation's savings gap. Community bankers Stephen Wooters and Brian Otteman also lend their perspectives.

​Exploring Cyber Solutions with Accelerator Finalist Adlumin

Jan 31, 2019
ICBA's Kevin Tweddle talks cyber solutions with ThinkTECH Accelerator finalist Adlumin. Brian Otteman of High Plains Bank in Flager, Colo., offers observations on fintech finalists' efforts to create right-sized solutions for community bankers.