Regulator council backs stricter GSE capital standards

Sep 28, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The Financial Stability Oversight Council largely endorsed the Federal Housing Finance Agency's proposal to raise capital requirements on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

ICBA to Congress: Simplify PPP forgiveness

Sep 28, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA urged Congress to immediately pass stand-alone legislation to simplify Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness to preserve the success of the program.

ICBA to Congress: Help Small Businesses by Simplifying PPP Forgiveness

Sep 25, 2020 | Press Release
ICBA today urged Congress to immediately pass stand-alone legislation to help millions of small businesses by simplifying Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness.

ICBA Statement for PPP Hearing 9-25-2020

Sep 25, 2020 | Letters to Congress | Letters to Regulators | Testimony
A simplified forgiveness process is urgently needed to ensure the PPP does not become a quagmire of red tape for lenders and borrowers, distracting them from the hard work of restoring employment growth.

ICBA pressing PPP relief in hearing statement

Sep 25, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA today is repeating its call for a simplified Paycheck Protection Program forgiveness process in a statement for a House subcommittee hearing.

Congress to agencies: Act on PPP asset-threshold impact

Sep 25, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA's push for policymakers to address the impact of Paycheck Protection Program loans on regulatory asset thresholds continued making headway.

FHFA again extends forbearance purchases

Sep 25, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The Federal Housing Finance Agency said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will extend from Sept. 30 to Oct. 31 the deadline on buying qualified loans in forbearance.

IRS: Lenders shouldn't report PPP loan forgiveness

Sep 25, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The IRS issued guidance clarifying that lenders should not file information returns or furnish payee statements to report the amount of qualifying forgiveness on Paycheck Protection Program loans.

PPP complexity could limit effectiveness: GAO

Sep 23, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The complexity and lack of guidance surrounding Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness could limit the effectiveness of future rounds of the program, the GAO reported.

House passes ICBA-backed minority bank bill

Sep 23, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The House passed ICBA-supported legislation that would modify regulatory processes to support Minority Depository Institutions.

Treasury, IRS lack info on EIP non-filers: GAO

Sep 23, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The Treasury Department and IRS lack updated information on how many eligible Economic Impact Payment recipients have yet to receive their funds, the GAO said.

ICBA supports FDIC program for third-party compliance

Sep 23, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA said it supports an FDIC standard-setting organization and voluntary certification program that would ease the process of vetting and partnering with fintechs and other third parties.

ICBA Response to FDIC Request for Information

Sep 22, 2020 | Letters to Regulators
ICBA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the FDIC's request for information hat seeks input on whether a standard-setting and voluntary-certification program could support community banks’ efforts in partnering with third parties.

ICBA Statement on Fed Community Reinvestment Act Notice

Sep 21, 2020 | Press Release
ICBA President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey released a statement on today's Federal Reserve advance notice of proposed rulemaking on reforming Community Reinvestment Act regulations.

FDIC working on PPP asset-threshold impact: McWilliams

Sep 21, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The FDIC is exploring options to address the impact of Paycheck Protection Program loans on regulatory asset thresholds, FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams told ICBA.

Fed updates FAQs on Main Street Lending Program

Sep 21, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The Federal Reserve Board updated its frequently asked questions on the Main Street Lending Program to clarify expectations regarding lender underwriting.

ICBA seeks PPP accounting simplification

Sep 21, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA asked the federal banking regulators to allow community banks to recognize Paycheck Protection Program fees as income in their call reports.

New FDIC academic challenge focuses on community banks

Sep 21, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The FDIC launched the agency’s first-ever Academic Challenge, which will be focused on the effects of community banks on local economic development.

Fed vote today on CRA reform notice

Sep 21, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The Federal Reserve Board is scheduled to vote today on an advance notice of proposed rulemaking on Community Reinvestment Act regulation.

Bailey Yeager Joins ICBA as Director of Marketing Strategy and Execution

Sep 16, 2020 | Press Release
The Independent Community Bankers of America announced today the hire of Bailey Yeager as director of marketing strategy and execution.