FDIC to Congress: We're working on PPP asset-threshold impact

Oct 5, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The FDIC told a group of House Republicans that it is exploring options to address the impact of Paycheck Protection Program loans on bank and bank holding company asset thresholds.

SBA issues change-of-ownership procedures for PPP borrowers

Oct 5, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The SBA issued a notice on the required procedures for changes of ownership of Paycheck Protection Program borrowers.

OCC issues CRA community bank resources

Oct 5, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The OCC issued a Small Bank Compliance Guide and other resources on its Community Reinvestment Act final rule, which took effect Oct. 1.

IRS: Lenders shouldn't report PPP loan forgiveness

Oct 5, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The IRS recently issued guidance clarifying that lenders should not file information returns or furnish payee statements to report the amount of qualifying forgiveness on PPP loans.

ICBA working with agencies on reducing TRID burden

Oct 2, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA announced a collaboration with the Federal Reserve and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to test certain community bank-inspired improvements to the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule.

Fed's Brainard: Community banks key to CRA modernization

Oct 2, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The Federal Reserve relied on ICBA and community bank input in developing its recent advance notice of proposed rulemaking on modernizing Community Reinvestment Act regulations, Fed Governor Lael Brainard told ICBA community bankers.

ICBA to CFPB: Expand 'seasoned' QM plan

Oct 2, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA encouraged the CFPB to expand on its proposal to create a new category of "seasoned" qualified mortgages.

ICBA Offers Cybersecurity Tips So Consumers Can Connect Online with Confidence

Oct 1, 2020 | Press Release
As Americans venture online in greater numbers to accommodate work, school and shopping, ICBA and the nation’s community banks are offering practical steps during Cybersecurity Awareness Month to help them safeguard sensitive data.

ICBA to Participate in 'Sandbox' Project to Improve Mortgage Rules

Oct 1, 2020 | Press Release
ICBA President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey issued a statement on TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule innovation during today's Montana State University virtual event.

FinCEN warns of cryptocurrency risk

Oct 1, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
Banks should expect examiners and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network to ask about risk exposure related to virtual currencies, FinCEN Director Kenneth Blanco said.

Enlist small businesses in PPP push

Oct 1, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA is now calling on community bankers to enlist small-business customers in urging Congress to immediately pass legislation to simplify Paycheck Protection Program forgiveness.

Bowman: Community banks critical to PPP

Oct 1, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
Community banks were essential to the success of the Paycheck Protection Program by serving the smallest businesses outside the focus of larger banks, Federal Reserve Governor Michelle "Miki" Bowman said.

Flood insurance extension passes

Oct 1, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
The Senate passed a short-term spending package that includes a one-year extension of the National Flood Insurance Program.

ICBA, agency roundtable on homeownership today

Oct 1, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey is scheduled to join top regulators at 3 p.m. (Eastern time) today for a virtual roundtable discussion on homeownership.

Comment Letter Regarding DOJ's Bank Merger Competitive Review Guidelines

Sep 30, 2020 | Letters to Regulators | NewsWatch Today | Testimony
The competitive landscape of the banking industry has changed substantially since the Bank Merger Competitive Review Guidelines were adopted in 1995. ICBA strongly believes it is appropriate to update the approach to reviewing bank mergers.

Preserving the Integrity of the Bank Charter: The Community Bank Perspective

Sep 29, 2020 | Letters to Regulators | NewsWatch Today | Testimony
Community banks welcome technological innovation, but we must also recognize that technological change underscores the importance of a robust legal framework to ensure consumer protection as well as the safety and soundness of our institutions.

Virtual BSA/AML Institute in November

Sep 29, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
With the regulatory agencies committing to tougher and more inclusive BSA/AML exams, Community Banker University is hosting an upcoming BSA/AML Institute.

PPP loan-forgiveness problems make news

Sep 29, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
Politico reported on the frustrations of community banks and other lenders with the Paycheck Protection Program's loan-forgiveness process.

ICBA opposes threshold change on securities filings

Sep 29, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
ICBA filed a comment letter opposing the SEC's proposal to raise the threshold over which institutional investment managers are required to file quarterly Form 13F reports.

Hearing on fintech payments framework

Sep 28, 2020 | NewsWatch Today
While Congress continues to work on another stimulus package, the House Financial Services Committee has a virtual hearing this week on fintech payments.