
The payments landscape for community banks is changing rapidly as traditional payments converge with new instant payment systems and emerging cryptocurrencies. It is critical for Community Banks to maintain awareness of developments in the payments space to assess new opportunities, mitigate risks, and ensure that their payment strategy aligns with overall business plans.

Payments Access, Choice, and Governance

Apr 14, 2021, 10:22 AM
Title : Payments Access, Choice, and Governance
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Categories : Payments
Payments Access

Letters and Testimonies

Apr 9, 2021, 14:13 PM
Title : Letters and Testimonies
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Categories : ICBA Education
Letters and Testimony

Payments Strategy Guide

Apr 7, 2021, 11:55 AM
Title : Payments Strategy Guide
mainURLExternal :
Categories : Payments
Related pages :

Credit Card and Debit Cards, Card Regulation, and Other Related Topics

Mar 31, 2021, 15:44 PM
Title : Credit Card and Debit Cards, Card Regulation, and Other Related Topics
mainURLExternal :
Categories : ICBA Education
Online Training
Related pages : Online Training

Payments News

Global regulators issue guidance on stablecoin oversight

Oct 7, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
Central bankers and international securities regulators issued guidance on how financial market principles would apply to stablecoins.

Administration planning crypto charter proposal: report

Oct 4, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
The Biden administration’s upcoming report on digital assets will include recommendations on imposing bank-like regulation on crypto companies that issue stablecoins, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Public-private partnership key to CBDC: report

Oct 1, 2021 | NewsWatch Today
A future central bank digital currency system would need to involve both public and private actors to ensure interoperability with the broader payment system, according to new reports from the Bank for International Settlements.