ICBA launched a series of videos featuring small-business owners who successfully received Paycheck Protection Program loans from community banks, often after megabanks proved unresponsive.
The SBA and Treasury Department released a simpler loan forgiveness application for Paycheck Protection Program loans of $50,000 or less to provide needed relief to lenders and borrowers.
A new Main Street Matters post for community bank marketers covers Google's updated advertising policies taking effect later this month and how to navigate this sea change.
ICBA reiterated its support for provisions in new rules on a federal hemp production program that would not require suspicious activity reports from banks that finance hemp producers.
Federal banking regulators issued a final rule revising the definition of eligible retained income for institutions subject to the agencies' regulatory capital rule.
Many Federal Open Market Committee members are predicating their economic outlook on the passage of additional economic stimulus spending, according to the minutes of their Sept. 15-16 meeting.
The SBA updated its frequently asked questions on the Paycheck Protection Program with guidance on the extended deferral period for borrower payments on PPP loans.
Credit union acquisitions of community banks represent an "obscene" use of taxpayer subsidies and should be reviewed by Congress, ICBA's Paul Merski told Banking Dive.
ICBA continues urging community bankers to call their members of Congress and enlist the support of small-business contacts on behalf of PPP forgiveness legislation.