ICBA continued to raise awareness of check fraud in a new round of media coverage.

Details: ICBA Vice President of Operational Risk and Payments Policy Scott Anchin explained the nuances of the issue in high-profile media reports:

  • In a The New York Times column on the persistence of paper checks, Anchin spoke about the historic role of checks in American society.

  • In an American Banker article about counterfeit checks, Anchin cited the growth of an underground economy on creating counterfeits.

  • On an NPR AirTalk segment about the decline of personal checks, Anchin fielded calls from consumers and discussed ICBA’s efforts to combat check fraud.

Previous Coverage: In a recent CNBC report, Anchin discussed check fraud risks and the continued shift to contactless and digital payments. He also discussed the challenge of check fraud in a MarketWatch article on Target’s decision to stop accepting personal checks.

Contact ICBA: ICBA continues encouraging community bankers to share their experiences and input on the challenge of check fraud at checkfraud@icba.org.

Resources: For information on check fraud, community bankers can:

  • Download ICBA’s check fraud guide.

  • Listen to the recent Independent Banker podcast.

  • Join the fraud subgroup on ICBA Community.

  • Read Independent Banker’s recent article on mitigation tips and Anchin’s blog post on industry efforts.

  • Watch the recording of ICBA’s ThinkTECH Solutions Forum on fraud.