ICBA continued to raise awareness of check fraud in a new round of media coverage.
Details: ICBA Vice President of Operational Risk and Payments Policy Scott Anchin explained the nuances of the issue in high-profile media reports:
In a The New York Times column on the persistence of paper checks, Anchin spoke about the historic role of checks in American society.
In an American Banker article about counterfeit checks, Anchin cited the growth of an underground economy on creating counterfeits.
On an NPR AirTalk segment about the decline of personal checks, Anchin fielded calls from consumers and discussed ICBA’s efforts to combat check fraud.
Previous Coverage: In a recent CNBC report, Anchin discussed check fraud risks and the continued shift to contactless and digital payments. He also discussed the challenge of check fraud in a MarketWatch article on Target’s decision to stop accepting personal checks.
Contact ICBA: ICBA continues encouraging community bankers to share their experiences and input on the challenge of check fraud at checkfraud@icba.org.
Resources: For information on check fraud, community bankers can: