Amplify Your Bank's Rhythm at ICBA LIVE

Sep. 24, 2024

Leading a community bank means balancing countless responsibilities, managing your team, serving your customers, and keeping pace with the tempo of innovation in an ever-changing financial landscape. When your familiar rhythms are being tested daily, we understand how hard it can be to hit a new note.

And that’s exactly why community bankers are carving out the time to attend ICBA LIVE in Nashville this March. From omnipresent regulatory compliance issues to cybersecurity and staffing concerns, the challenges we face as an industry require us to come together to amplify our collective voice and find solutions that move our industry forward.

Pauses in music create structure, build anticipation, and make each note more impactful. According to Gartner, carving out time during the work week for skill-building can increase professional growth 3.5X, highlighting the power of these pauses. In the same way, taking time to learn and connect with your peers can help you set a new tempo, discover fresh perspectives, and keep the rhythm of our industry amplified.

So, I encourage you to consider pausing for a moment and making a commitment to yourself and your bank to attend ICBA LIVE. Mark your calendar for March 11-14, 2025, and register now to join us in Nashville.

I can’t wait to see you there!

Lindsay LaNore

SEVP, Chief Learning & Experience Officer


2025 ICBA LIVE Learning Tracks

ICBA LIVE offers seven educational tracks, focusing on core banking issues, technology, leadership development, and much more.

Workforce Development

Learn new strategies and tactics to give your bank a competitive advantage when recruiting, retaining, and rewarding employees. Plus, ensure that employment-related practices, policies, and procedures are compliant and reflect industry best practices.

Fraud, Cybersecurity, & Risk

In-depth exploration of the latest trends, safeguards, and strategies in fraud prevention, cybersecurity, and risk management.

Regulation & Bank Examinations

Designed to keep you up to date on supervisory, regulatory and operational risk issues at the federal level.

Digital Transformation & Innovation

Informs you of the technological advances that can enhance your bank’s bottom line, increase its operational efficiencies, support evolving payment systems, and boost its competitiveness.

Lending & Deposits

Expert insight and guidance for today’s lending and retail environments including agriculture, small business, consumer, and commercial products.

Growth & Marketing

Specialty Learning Labs dedicated to community banks with a specific focus on revenue generation, customer engagement, and organization expansion.

Management & Strategy

Updates focused on the key trends, disruptive opportunities, and proven business strategies for today’s experienced professionals leading community banks.