ICBA continues seeking feedback on check fraud

ICBA continues encouraging community bankers to share their experiences and input on the challenge of check fraud.

How to Contact ICBA: Community bankers can contact ICBA about check fraud issues, including the lack of responsiveness from large institutions, at [email protected].

Background: A Main Street Matters blog post from ICBA Vice President of Operational Risk and Payments Policy Scott Anchin discusses how ICBA is working to fight check fraud, including via the ICBA Check Fraud Task Force. In a statement for a congressional hearing earlier this year, ICBA spotlighted check fraud issues, such as mail theft, fraudulent account opening, and large institutions of first deposit that are slow to reimburse community banks for unresolved checks.

ICBA Guide: ICBA’s “Check Fraud: A Practical Guide to Altered, Forged, and Counterfeit Checks for Community Bankers” is designed to help ICBA-member community banks address check fraud, recover funds, and reduce losses.

Resources: For information on check fraud, community bankers can:

  • Listen to the recent Independent Banker podcast.

  • Join the fraud subgroup on ICBA Community.

  • Read Independent Banker’s latest article on check fraud mitigation tips.

  • Watch the recording of ICBA’s ThinkTECH Solutions Forum on fraud.