The Community Bankers Association of Kansas endorses CRA Partners

The Community Bankers Association of Kansas recently endorsed CRA Partners as a means to help reduce incidents of crime in area nursing homes, while offering banks the opportunity to earn CRA credit. CRA Partners is a subsidiary of the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA).

The Senior Housing Crime Prevention Foundation is a 501(c)(3), established in 2000 as a way for banks to earn Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit through CRA-qualified loans and investments.  The structure of the SHCPF opens a segment of society to service by banks – the residents, family members and staff of nursing homes and senior HUD housing properties. Supporting low-to-moderate income Senior housing residents is an approved CRA activity designated by the federal regulatory agencies, allowing banks to receive CRA credit for supporting Foundation programs in nursing homes, HUD senior housing projects and the nation’s Veterans Nursing Homes.  The focus of the SHCPF is to reduce all aspects of crime and provide ongoing, effective crime prevention programs that ensure a safe and secure environment for the residents of senior housing.  In part, this is accomplished through the installation of the Senior Crimestoppers program.

“It’s a win-win proposition for everyone,” says CEO David Lenoir. “The banks receive a return on their investment while helping nursing home, HUD housing residents and elderly veterans live in safe, crime free environments. “

For more information about the Senior Housing Crime Prevention Foundation or to enroll in the program, visit, contact Kristine LaVigna at the Senior Housing Crime Prevention Foundation at (901)529-4781 or email her at  [email protected] .