ICBA Statement on Credit Union Debt Rule

ICBA Press Release Banner 2020

Washington, D.C. (Dec. 17, 2020) — Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey issued the following statement on today’s National Credit Union Administration board meeting.

"ICBA and the nation's community banks strongly oppose today’s National Credit Union Administration approval of a final rule that will allow the largest and most complex tax-exempt credit unions to issue subordinated debt to institutional investors. This rule is yet another example of the NCUA pushing the envelope and expanding credit union powers well beyond limits justifying the industry’s tax exemption.

“The NCUA’s rule would undermine credit unions’ mutual ownership structure, allow outside investors to exploit the credit union tax subsidy, and fuel runaway growth of an industry that has abandoned its founding mission to serve people of modest means.

“Through its ‘Wake Up’ campaign and Credit Union Task Force, ICBA will continue calling on policymakers and the public to open their eyes to the risky practices, costly tax subsidies, and irresponsibly lax oversight of the nation’s credit unions.”

About ICBA

The Independent Community Bankers of America creates and promotes an environment where community banks flourish. ICBA is dedicated exclusively to representing the interests of the community banking industry and its membership through effective advocacy, best-in-class education, and high-quality products and services.

With nearly 50,000 locations nationwide, community banks constitute 99 percent of all banks, employ more than 700,000 Americans and are the only physical banking presence in one in three U.S. counties. Holding more than $5 trillion in assets, over $4.4 trillion in deposits, and more than $3.4 trillion in loans to consumers, small businesses and the agricultural community, community banks channel local deposits into the Main Streets and neighborhoods they serve, spurring job creation, fostering innovation and fueling their customers’ dreams in communities throughout America. For more information, visit ICBA’s website at www.icba.org.

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