ICBA Statement on 2016 Election Results


Washington, D.C. (Nov. 10, 2016)— Independent Community Bankers of America® (ICBA) President and CEO Camden R. Fine released this statement on the 2016 election results.

“As the voice of the nation’s community banks, ICBA congratulates Donald Trump and Mike Pence on their election victory. While ICBA will continue advocating much-needed regulatory relief for community banks during the remainder of the 114th Congress, we look forward to getting down to work with the new administration and the 115th Congress on behalf of local customers and communities.
“ICBA and community bankers enjoy strong and positive relationships with policymakers on both sides of the aisle. We invite the incoming administration and new members of Congress to review the policy proposals contained in our Plan for Prosperity. Together, we can make meaningful reforms to support local communities, job creation and economic prosperity nationwide.”

About ICBA 
The Independent Community Bankers of America®, the nation’s voice for nearly 7,000 community banks of all sizes and charter types, is dedicated exclusively to representing the interests of the community banking industry and its membership through effective advocacy, best-in-class education and high-quality products and services. For more information, visit www.icba.org.