ICBA commended the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s efforts to create a better framework for responding to significant cyber incidents, but said community banks need to be an integral part of a coordinated cyber defense plan.

Details: In a comment letter responding to a request for feedback on CISA’s National Cyber Incident Response Plan Update, ICBA said:

  • Community banks must be included in communication channels and coordination efforts outlined in the NCIRP.

  • CISA should partner with ICBA to help disseminate relevant information and guidance to community banks.

  • CISA’s Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative should be expanded to include community banks.

  • Because community banks are already subject to extensive cybersecurity regulations and reporting requirements from federal banking regulators, CISA should harmonize the NCIRP’s provisions with requirements from the Federal Reserve, OCC, and FDIC.

ICBA Resources: Cyber and data security resources—including Sheltered Harbor to add a layer of protection against malware and .BANK to secure customer relationships—are available on the ICBA website.