Former ICBA Executive Committee Member William Rosacker died in Shakopee, Minn., on Jan. 12 at the age of 80. Rosacker had a 51-year career in banking and was president of United Bankers’ Bank in Bloomington from 1985 to 2019.

A native of St. Paul, Rosacker landed his first job in banking in 1968 at Marquette Bank, where he met his wife, Pam. He later took over the Independent State Bank of Minnesota — the nation’s first bankers’ bank — during the height of the agricultural crisis of the 1980s.

Rosacker in 2018 was recognized by BankIn Minnesota (known then as the Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota) with an award commemorating 50 years of service in the banking industry. He also accepted the first-ever Lifetime Achievement Award from BankBeat magazine for the impact he has had on UBB, its customers, and the community banking industry across the country.

In addition to serving as ICBA secretary in 2007-2009, Rosacker was a member of the TCM Bank board of directors and the ICBA Payments (formerly ICBA Bancard) board of directors, as well as a member and chair of ICBA PAC. He was a past chair of BankIn Minnesota and the Minnesota Bankers Association and a faculty member of the Minnesota Commercial Lending School.

Rosacker is survived by his children, Stephanie Rosacker Forbes and William Rosacker Jr.

ICBA expresses its deepest condolences to Rosacker’s family and gratitude for his tireless service on behalf of the nation’s community banks.