The latest Independent Banker magazine spotlights three Supreme Court decisions that may curb the administrators that oversee community banks.

Details: According to the article, the precedents established in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, Corner Post, Inc. v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy could limit federal agencies’ interpretations of laws and their abilities to pursue administrative enforcement actions.

More: In Loper, for example, the Supreme Court abandoned the longstanding “Chevron doctrine,” which for 40 years required courts to defer to federal agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes. Going forward, the article notes, courts may substitute their own judgment when determining whether an agency exceeded its statutory authority.

Features: The September issue of Independent Banker also features articles on ICBA National Community Bank Service Award winners, compliance challenges, agricultural lending, and more.

Access: The magazine is available on the Independent Banker website and via the digital edition.