Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu highlighted the formation of ICBA’s Check Fraud Task Force as an important step in addressing financial fraud.

Details: Speaking at the Financial Literacy and Education Commission’s public meeting, Hsu said fraud is a problem everyone has a role in addressing and cited ICBA’s formation of a Check Fraud Task Force as a positive action. He also mentioned the sector-wide fraud information sharing work group ICBA leads.

More Press: ICBA’s Scott Anchin discussed the challenge of check fraud in a recent MarketWatch article on Target’s decision to stop accepting personal checks. Anchin said Target’s new policy eliminates a venue for potential check fraud and he hopes more merchants follow suit.

Podcast: The latest episode of ICBA’s “Independent Banker” podcast discusses why check fraud has become such a problem and how community banks can help fight this alarming epidemic.

Resources: For more information, community bankers can:

  • Join the new fraud subgroup on ICBA Community.

  • Read Independent Banker’s latest article on check fraud mitigation tips.

  • Watch the recording of ICBA’s ThinkTECH Solutions Forum on fraud.