The Power is Yours

MulvaneyRRR_18.04.09Another ICBA Capital Summit is in the books, and it might have been the best one yet. While last year’s White House visit of more than 100 community bankers is hard to beat, this year’s event could not have been timed any better.

Following last month’s Senate passage of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155) on a bipartisan 67-31 vote, the debate over regulatory relief is now focused on the House. The more than 325 congressional visits on Capitol Hill and White House meeting with NEC Director Larry Kudlow offered a rare opportunity to meet with policymakers at exactly the right time to push for immediate passage.

It was an extraordinary event perfectly aligned with the congressional calendar—but it’s over now. The community bankers in attendance have all gone home, and Congress might be tempted to allow their focus to stray elsewhere. We cannot let them!

ICBA’s regulatory relief petition drive and Be Heard grassroots advocacy center allow community bankers nationwide to continue the campaign for meaningful regulatory relief anytime and anywhere.

Everyone in this industry should sign this petition, send custom messages to their lawmakers, and enlist friends and allies to join the effort. And I mean everyone—from the C-suite to the front line to the board room. We need to be heard loud and clear in Washington!

As Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting and Senate Banking Committee member Patrick Toomey (R-Pa.) told Capital Summit attendees, community banks and other small businesses need these reforms to be signed into law. As Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Acting Director Mick Mulvaney (pictured) told the crowd, we must continuously educate lawmakers on why these reforms are so important.

We have the power to push meaningful regulatory relief over the finish line—but we’ll have to keep working for it. Let’s exercise our collective strength so our calls for passage cannot be ignored. Let’s keep up the push today, tomorrow, and every day until we get this relief to President Trump to be signed into law.

Thank you for all that you’ve done to advance these critical reforms. Now let’s finish the job!

Sign ICBA’s Regulatory Relief Petition ›
Contact Congress with Be Heard ›