Regulatory Burden Is Capturing Big Headlines

icba_wt_15-08-03 While ICBA continues our full-court press toward advancing community bank regulatory relief all the way through Congress and to the president’s desk, we are also making noticeable headway in raising public awareness of the problem via the national news media. The Washington Times recently ran a special section featuring a series of articles, editorials and ICBA op-eds on community bank overregulation and the association’s proposals to address the issue.

Titled “How Excessive Regulation is Crushing Main Street: The Inside Story on the Squeeze Facing the Nation’s Community Banks,” the special section includes comprehensive coverage of the dangers of a one-size-fits-all approach to regulation and the resulting impact on consumers and local communities. It also spotlights specific areas of concern for our industry, such as Operation Choke Point, the call report, credit union oversight, barriers to de novo charters and cybersecurity rules.

The Washington Times feature complements ICBA’s ongoing, aggressive strategies to raise awareness in Washington and nationwide of the regulatory challenges facing community banks and what it means for our Main Street economy. I strongly recommend that community bankers—and anyone else concerned about the impact of red tape on American jobs and communities—read this important series and share it with your lawmakers to demonstrate the critical need for congressional action on which Main Street is depending.