Calendar of Events

Take advantage of ICBA webinars, seminars, and other events to help you stay ahead of the competition. We offer a variety of courses to fit every need and schedule.

Identifying and Addressing Distressed Loans Seminar (formerly the Troubled Loans Seminar)


Start: March 28, 2024 9:30 AM CST

Finish: March 28, 2024 5:30 PM CST

Build a proactive mindset in identifying concerning trends that, if left unaddressed, could lead to a bank loss. A past due payment is not an early warning sign. It’s an indication that you have already missed the opportunity to assist your client.

Examine liquidity versus solvency issues, management strength, industry strength, as well as the impact of the new COVID era on credit risk.

Learn how to identify early warning indicators that a borrower could be in trouble and see how you can develop an action plan with the goal of returning the client to a pass status or minimizing the loss to both the client and the bank.

Learning Objectives:

  • Through portfolio analysis learn to identify where problem loans could arise.
  • Learn how a review process can mitigate loan losses and help your customers.
  • Develop an action plan that you can put to use immediately.

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Upcoming Events

Identifying and Addressing Distressed Loans Seminar (formerly the Troubled Loans Seminar)

Mar 28, 2024

Build a proactive mindset in identifying concerning trends that, if left unaddressed, could lead to a bank loss. A past due payment is not an early warning sign. It’s an indication that you have already missed the opportunity to assist your client.

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