A Convention to Remember

venetianThe countdown is on, everybody. We’re just a few short weeks away from next month’s ICBA Community Banking LIVE® national convention—the biggest show in community banking in the world! And to top it all off, it will be my last as ICBA president and CEO.

I’ve had the privilege of serving at the helm at ICBA for 15 years, with 20 years before that spent as a community banker involved with ICBA. Together, we have all put in a great deal of effort to advance the community bank cause, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our great community banking industry is worth it.

The convention itself is stacked with the best and brightest for community bankers. We’ve got an exciting lineup of innovative keynote speakers, with former Microsoft Chief Xbox Officer Robbie Bach, broadcast journalist Gretchen Carlson, and digital media expert Erik Qualman. And this year our education zone is better than ever, featuring more than 60 learning labs tailored to the evolving needs of community banks.

And on the final night of the convention we are hosting “A Night to Celebrate,” a Vegas-style party with great food, plenty of drinks, music, dancing, and all kinds of surprises that I don’t even know about. We’ve accomplished so much together in my 15 years as president and CEO, and the best way that I know to celebrate is to be surrounded by the community bankers who’ve fought alongside me and helped propel our industry forward.

I’m ready to see everyone in Las Vegas for community banking’s premier event. This week is your last chance to save on registration, so make sure you’re signed up and staying through to the end. I look forward to seeing you there!

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