Finish the Job

Mar 22, 2018
With the 2018 ICBA Capital Summit just weeks away, I’ve never been more impressed by the strength of community banks!

A Convention to Remember

Feb 15, 2018
We’re just a few short weeks away from next month’s ICBA Community Banking LIVE® national convention—the biggest show in community banking in the world! And to top it all off, it will be my last as ICBA president and CEO.

Gimme Shelter

Dec 31, 2017
Sheltered Harbor is a financial services sector initiative that enables financial institutions to securely store and rapidly reconstitute account information while recovering from a cyber incident or natural disaster.

ICBA Brief Offers Latest on Tax Reform Debate

Nov 15, 2017
To give community bankers the lay of the land on the fast-paced and fluctuating tax reform debate, ICBA released a new informational brief with the latest details.

Wells Fargo: Still Not a Community Bank

Oct 5, 2017
Apparently Wells Fargo isn’t content to tarnish its own reputation—it has the gall to try to hide behind the sterling reputation of the nation’s community banks.

At Our Best in the Worst of Times

Sep 13, 2017
I never cease to be amazed by how community bankers dig the deepest when they are subject to the very worst conditions, as evidenced by the industry’s recent response to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

In ILC Fight, Community Banks Will Not Stand Down

Aug 17, 2017
Since I arrived at the Independent Community Bankers of America in 2003, the conversation about the mixing of banking and commerce has heated up, come to a head, disappeared and then resurfaced.

Heading Off New Data-Collection Rules

Jul 5, 2017
With members of Congress back in their districts this week for the Independence Day recess, ICBA’s regulatory relief initiative remains in full swing. Community bankers can do their part by using ICBA’s Be Heard grassroots website to call on their lawmakers to support the CLEAR Relief Act.