The Story I Heard in New Orleans

cblphoto2 It’s a funny thing. The buildup to the ICBA Community Banking LIVE® national convention is a massive undertaking, one that uses up every ounce of energy from ICBA bankers and staff. But rather than coming home exhausted, once again I’ve come home feeling more energized than before.

How does that happen? Am I delirious with exhaustion after a year of painstaking groundwork? Was I hypnotized by the menagerie of workshops, events and Expo demonstrations? I mostly steered clear of the raw oysters and hurricanes, so it’s not something I ate.

No, I’m energized by what I saw and heard from thousands of community bankers at the convention. It was the more than 3,000 members of our industry taking pride in our accomplishments, our public service, and our local, personal, community banking model.

It was ICBA Immediate Past Chairman Jack Hartings calling on every one of us to stand up, speak up and step up. It was new ICBA Chairman Rebeca Romero Rainey reminding community bankers that what we do matters. Reminding us to tell our story—to our customers, to our communities, and to the policymakers who set the rules we live by.

Witnessing that story being told is what energizes me. While every community banker tells it a little bit differently, the message of integrity, accountability and local involvement is always there. And the beauty of the community banking story is that it’s 100 percent genuine—no spin, no tricks, no double-dealing.

So don’t be shy—tell our story loud and clear. Whether it’s celebrating Community Banking Month in April, coming to the nation’s capital for the ICBA Washington Policy Summit, or simply spreading the word about what community banking means in your hometown—speak up for all to hear!

By sharing our story, we can support stronger communities, promote a more resilient economy, and protect our nation from the ills of excessive financial concentration. And after years of hard work and commitment, we can replenish in ourselves the energy and the true grit it takes to bring that story to life every day.

Thank you, community bankers, for doing what you do and for putting on another powerful and fulfilling convention.