Interchange Legislation—A Reason to Dig Deep

The will of the nation’s community bankers to make their voices heard in Congress has never ceased to amaze me. Once again, it is time for community bankers to stand up, fight, scream and be heard on the terribly misguided and dangerous interchange rules that threaten our ability to continue to serve Main Street customers.

Bipartisan legislation is pending in both the House and Senate to delay the draconian Federal Reserve proposed rule on debit card interchange. The legislation also would require federal banking regulators to study the rule’s impact on community banks and their customers. I can tell you without a study that the impact will be severe indeed—and the consumer will be the biggest loser—and I am not talking about a TV reality show—I am talking real life!!

ICBA has fought tooth and nail against debit card interchange price fixing from the moment Sen. Durbin announced his intentions to offer his misguided amendment, and now we have legislation we can get behind to slow this lethal financial virus of a rule. That’s why I am asking every community banker in the nation to rattle your member of Congress’s cage—House and Senate—to co-sponsor these critical measures. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON THIS ISSUE! DO NOT WAIT FOR THE OTHER GUY—YOU ARE THE OTHER GUY—DO IT!

With a positive reputation among lawmakers, community bankers are effective advocates. This effort on interchange is as important as any in my memory to ensure that community banks and their customers are not harmed and that our nation’s Main Street communities continue to thrive. Dig deep and leave no doubt in any member of Congress of where we stand.