Online Training
Online Individual Course

FDIC Membership Signage & Statements

Online Training

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency of the United States government that protects the funds depositors place in banks and savings associations. The regulation contained in 12 CFR 328 describes the official sign of the FDIC and prescribes its use by federally insured banks. It also prescribes the official advertising statement insured banks must include in their advertisements. This course will discuss the rules of Section 328. This course also discusses the rules for non-deposit investment products as it relates to signage and other notifications.

This course covers the new rules which were effective April 1, 2024. It does not cover existing rules that may still be utilized until January 1, 2025. This course is intended for compliance and marketing personnel as well as employees who take deposits from customers and sell non-deposit investment products.

Learning Objectives:

  • Display the appropriate signage for various locations and devices
  • Provide the appropriate notices to non-deposit investment product customers, if applicable
  • Ensure the bank's advertisements are compliant with FDIC Section 328

Course Outline:

  • FDIC Official Signs
  • Displaying the Official Signs
  • Non-Deposit Investment Products Signage & Notification
  • Advertisements
  • Policies & Procedures

Rev–Apr. 2024. Course length ≈ 15 minutes. This course is worth 0.25 CPE credit.

ICBA Member - $179.00
Non-Member - $299.00