Jasmine Brett Stringer

Author and On-Air Personality

Jasmine Brett Stringer is a keynote speaker, award-winning author of Seize Your Life: How to Carpe Diem Every Day, on-air TV personality, and host of the podcast and lifestyle blog Carpe Diem with Jasmine.

In the early 2000s, Jasmine was living her life like so many others — on autopilot, without vision or purpose — until she was given an unexpected gift. A layoff! As she said goodbye to her “corporate gig,” she realized she hadn’t been truly happy or fulfilled in years. So, she chose not to stay miserable any longer and to do whatever work was required to find happiness wherever she could.

Jasmine leveraged a pivotal moment in her life to learn the true meaning of carpe diem. She found endless, little ways to connect with herself and others through “JAZZ’ed UP” DIY projects, style, entertaining, and travel on a budget. Today, Jasmine is on a mission to help people live empowered and authentic lives. Through her Seize Your Life keynotes, workshops, and customized coaching sessions,

Jasmine guides clients and audiences through a simple process to identify their goals and achieve their personal definition of success. Jasmine’s common-sense approach to creating a life of one’s own has inspired thousands of people worldwide to carpe diem! Jasmine has shared her positive message to corporate and nonprofit organizations such as Land O’ Lakes, Federal Reserve Bank, Airbnb, Cargill, Goodwill, Mondelēz International, Bayer, and the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management.

Jasmine inspires revelation and change by leveraging her experiences working with some of the world’s biggest brands, including Kraft Foods, General Mills, Toyota, Box Tops for Education, Fox Searchlight, Publicis Groupe, and the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN TV). Additionally, Jasmine speaks on how to effectively network and how to build synergy and develop interpersonal skills- core tools for living a vision-driven life.

Jasmine is a graduate of American University’s Kogod School of Business in Washington, D.C. She was named a Twin Cities Fearless Woman in 2017 and a Woman of Promise by the Girl Scouts in 2012. Additionally, she was awarded Distinguished Alumna of American University. Ebony Magazine featured her as one of its “30 Future Leaders Under the Age of 30 in America.” Jasmine is based in Minneapolis but can often be found two hours south of the city working with her husband, Roger, at the family farm.