
Letters and Testimonies

Letters to Congress

Title Recipient Date
Sen. Ted Budd 06/19/24
U.S. House of Representatives 05/21/24
Sen. Josh Hawley 09/20/23
House Financial Services Committee 09/19/23
House Financial Services Committee 07/19/23
House, Senate Leaders 07/14/23
House, Senate 07/11/23
House Financial Services Committee 06/13/23
Senate, House leaders 06/09/23
House Financial Services Committee 05/05/23
House Financial Services Committee 04/19/23
Rep. Tom Emmer 03/08/23
Senate, House 11/17/22
House, Senate 10/11/22
Senate 10/04/22
House 09/27/22
House 09/21/22
Senate 08/31/22
House Financial Services Committee 07/22/22
Senate Judiciary Committee 05/04/22
Senate Judiciary Committee 05/02/22
Sens. Cruz, Braun, Grassley 04/04/22
Rep. Tom Emmer 04/04/22
Congress 07/27/21
116th Congress 10/15/20
U.S. House Task Force on Financial Technology 09/29/20

Letters to Regulators

Title Recipient Date
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 08/01/24
Federal Reserve 05/11/24
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 03/28/24
Federal Reserve, Justice Department, Treasury Department 03/22/24
BIS Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures 02/28/24
Letter to Regulators 01/30/24
FinCEN 01/23/24
Federal Reserve 11/27/23
IRS 11/13/23


Title Committee Presenter Date
House Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology and Inclusion Written Statement 09/13/23
Senate Banking Committee Written Statement 02/13/23
Senate Banking Committee Written Statement 07/28/22
House Financial Services Committee Written statement 05/25/22
Senate Banking Hearing 02/15/22
House Financial Services Committee Written statement 02/08/22
Senate Banking Committee Written Statement 12/14/21
House Financial Services Committee Written statement 12/07/21
HSFC 09/29/20

Payments News

CBA urges policymakers to take on crypto scams, improve information sharing

Sep. 19, 2024

The persistent growth of romance confidence scams emphasizes the urgent need for policymakers to prioritize national security, counter illicit finance uses of cryptocurrency, and improve information sharing with community banks, ICBA told Congress.

ICBA Statement: In a written statement for a House Financial Services Committee national security subcommittee hearing on crypto-based romance confidence scams—also known as “pig butchering”—ICBA said:

  • The scam exemplifies the hazards of unregulated crypto for consumers and the banking system.

  • Despite community bank efforts to educate their customers and employees and to invest in fraud prevention and detection, these scams override victims’ judgment.

  • Congress and regulators should close regulatory gaps related to decentralized finance and expand on Financial Crimes Enforcement Network efforts to address the impact of DeFi on money laundering.

  • U.S. policymakers should lead an international effort to reinforce and harmonize digital assets regulatory frameworks.

  • Coordination and information sharing among national security agencies, international institutions, law enforcement, and the financial and technology sectors is needed to combat these scams.

ICBA Resources: Recent ICBA blog posts spotlight the growth of these scams and the need for a policy response.

Previous ICBA Advocacy: ICBA supports global efforts to advance international crypto asset regulation, including the Financial Stability Board’s framework to support consistent regulatory and supervisory standards and baseline policy recommendations from the International Organization of Securities Commissions.