Listening to your customers will make you money—and ICBA helps you listen.


Listening to your customers will make you money—and ICBA helps you listen.

Jun 20, 2024 | 1:00 pm ET • Noon CT | Webinar

From attrition catches, sales opportunities mined from your current customer base, and concrete direction that prevents your team from guessing on any number of topics, your bank will positively cash flow with a customer experience program. Don't re-invent the wheel!

ICBA membership includes a benefit to build a world-class customer experience (Voice of the customer) program at your bank. $0 setup, no contract (month to month), and you pay-per-complete.

ICBA Preferred Service Provider Avannis exclusively supports banks, and offers the same options your regional/national competitors are using, but the offerings are scaled to assist any size bank. Use one of the overall customer pulse surveys, or build a program with 12 touchpoints to consistently monitor.

Join this informational 20-min webinar to see what comes with ICBA membership. Avannis is the Preferred Service Provider for all things experience (customer/employee).